2021 Poetry Contest

Start date: February 21, 2021
End date: April 11, 2021
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Friends' Programs | Library Programs

THEME: Starting Over

Submissions due by: April 10, 2021

How to enter:

Please include your name, address, phone number, age, and e-mail. Students: please include school and grade.

Submit poems one of two ways:

Virtual Awards Ceremony: May 2021

(day and time to be announced)
Award categories include grades K–8, high school, adults, and seniors.
Questions? E-mail to FriendsoftheWestRoxburyLibrary@gmail.com

Contest Sponsored by:

The Friends of the West Roxbury Branch Library

Notes to Contest Participants from Mary Pinard, Poet and Contest Judge

✍ Write and enter poems that connect to the contest theme. (Note that the theme has many facets and angles — don’t be afraid to take it in new and original directions.)

✍ Explore your own connections to the theme and consider writing a poem from your personal experience.

✍ Use your imagination! Be original and avoid clichés.

✍ Consider what will help you express your poem’s idea, story, image, or impression. Some possibilities include:

  • Word choice
  • Voice: who is speaking in your poem?
  • Imagery: language that helps paint pictures, sensations
  • Sound: including rhythm, repetition, and rhyme
  • Form or type: free verse, sonnet, haiku, or something you invent

✍ Revise, and revise again: your first draft is only a beginning.