Poetry Contest | Open to All Ages

Start date: July 11, 2020
End date: September 25, 2020
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Friends' Programs

2020 Poetry Contest Update

Submission deadline extended to August 27, 2020
Entries to be sent via email only
Award winners will be announced on September 30, 2020 

It’s on! After some discussion and reflection, the poetry committee has decided to move forward with the judging of poems and awards presentation. This is not a new contest. Any additional poems that we receive will be added to the entries we already have. All entries submitted to date have been stored safely.

How to submit your poems
Email your poems to: friendsofthewestroxburylibrary@gmail.com
Kindly include your name, grade, age, home address, and phone number. Please note that the West Roxbury Branch Library is not set up to accept poetry contest entries by mail or through in-person drop off.

Awards Ceremony
Winners announced  on September 30 at a virtual event. Stay tuned for details.

Contest Details
The theme of the 2020 Poetry Contest for all Ages is “Space.”